"And so I fall into the open, singin out your name. And when I'm done, crashed and mained. There's where you'll find me."The summer has checked out for this time. Last warm rays spewing down on me as I type this. Everytime I miss "that feeling". the summers of my childhood that seemed to be perfected. Wild kids running around building fires. "Come on everyone, lets make burn higher!" Like cro mangons hurling out our primal screams of joy. Echoed forwarded in time to the pre-destined generation.
But they never show again.
So now yours truely has his feet strapped in the startingpostion. A brave new adeventure is on the rising and like rocketman I'm bursting away from it all. I'm gonna leave any minute now, burn my clothes and keep the sun in my eyes.
Haha yeah I can feel it rising the sun is pouring down and my shadow is fading. I'm running free faster then the speed goes. Sunflowers smiling now. It's all good yeah, it's all good. Tell my mother that I love her. It's starting now. haha yeah what the fuck was I talking about again?
The drums are snaring into each others. Hold tight now!
Fear and Loathing in Singapore!!!