Saturday, March 04, 2006

In a strange and curious way the universe tends to work out fine.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

In a strange and curious way the universe tends to work out fine.

I've been tripping out on these spacecakes now for 4 hours. I never done this before. Looking around me everyones dancing and swinging from the roof. The colossal pounding of the strobe lights makes it hard to identify anyone - sweet jesus I just walked right through that kid. I close my eyes and take a deep breath for the perilous task of trying to walk across the dance floor, up the stairs and out to the smoking point.

With my eyes closed I feel the alcohol gently touching my spinalfluid like a warm syrup sliding down the erector spinae on it's way to tell my knees that they can go on a coffee break, loss of motor'skill is now well underway.
.... I better keep my eyes closed a little longer. The high-hat keeps it's rassling beat, a sound - like a screaming eagle - erupts and the music goes into a trance snare, faster swirrling - the snare drops and everyone burst into a collective attac on the dance. The green lasers circumsize every forehead in the euphoric crowd....

Made it out. omniuos guards seems to be closing in on me. Ignore this hienous paranoias inflicting your cerebral cortex... What was my purposed by going out here? And where is my wing-man on this here druged up club epic? Must have lost him to the crowd, a fine soldier. ... twisted, stoned, drunk... Good People!

Daylight! Another cake has gone to my head. The casting is back the my brother. Yes the secret handshake for models to know their kin. Like freemasons of stunning cheekbones and sculptured pecs.
- We don't need no baseball bats, we don't need no silver guns, what we got are face and names. -
- The tram rolls up behind me like malicious electric green dolphin, silent. Startled by this I jump back to safe distance agian. God dammit!
I gonna go home now, aw yes, sweet couch some camomilla tea to calm my poor nerves from the constant rape they've taken for so long now.

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