Saturday, April 29, 2006

Evolution now!

The truth has surfaced and enlightment is at hand!
The good news has arisen, time is now here.
The era of the father is over and the era of the child enters!
Illumination for every nation.
Lets stand pious and hurl the chains of lies from our ancles!
The guilty must repent for the thousand deaths.
The abundance of church, priest and dogma is absolute!
Divine sparks are inside us all.
As the Book of the Law dictated: Build thy self a warmachine and beseige the island in the ancient city.
YOU know best, YOU know the true nature of the divine, YOU can communicate with god.
You DON'T need church, You DON't need bible, you DON'T need priests!
Prosperity will rise and the cluthes of the corrupted horde of the so called rightous will let go.
It is time people, EVOLUTION NOW!

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