Sunday, June 11, 2006

All the aborted babies will turn into little Bambies

The beauty queen grasped my heart again, she's squezing it's, gently but firmly.
In this vice yours turely now sit, stand and breath.
-Chinese masters comes between us,
talks in Haiku's, plastic venus.-

Atlas crumbled when I realize that time with her is slipping away fro me.
What ever happened to this. I can't concentrate my frined. It's dancing tube-socks around my head. And the sourmilk is running down my face and hair. Where am I again. Am I living the dream like people with narcoplecy?

Is this to the days that I never lived?
To the revolution that never came?
To the drinks that made me puke?
To the dreams I never understood?
To the cat that never loved me?
To the mother I could never comfort?
To the father I could never confind in?
To my sister I never binded with?
And to the brother that died?

But I'm still breathing.....

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